About Travel4Health


This Travel4Health website and information guides were created to provide useful information to English speakers from the Eastern regions of Quebec when they travel out-of-region for health services.

The information you find here will help you, and your loved ones, to prepare as best you can and to make the process as smooth as possible.

How this guide was developed

In 2014-15, two community-based organizations serving English-speaking communities in Quebec led a study to better understand the experience of English speakers from the eastern regions of Quebec who have to travel to larger urban centres for specialized health and social services. These organizations were the Committee for Anglophone Social Action (CASA) and Jeffery Hale Community Partners (JHCP).

Five other community-based organizations, in collaboration with their regional partners in health and social services, were involved in collecting data, disseminating the findings, and identifying and implementing actions to address the issues and support their English-speaking communities. These community organizations are:

This project was supported by the Community Health and Social Services Network and made possible through a financial contribution from Health Canada.